This is an old timey effect.

Getting the vows ready.

I really love this relaxed pic.
Merry Christmas everybody! I'm back in So Cal for a couple weeks after a whirlwind of last minute work...which is still ongoing, a lot of it. Like Vanilla Ice so eloquently asked: Will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know. During the plane ride back I finished some work early so I spent a little time fixing up some pics, so far I have around 75 retouched. Anyway, here are some more pictures of Barb - I hope she's not sick of seeing herself. I must apologize to Mike, Barb got most of the attention that day :)
I missed being back .. I brought my big camera back so I'll be making my rounds while I'm back and if I'm not too busy. Also exciting news - I have some fast Internet again thanks to AT&T DSL back at my apartment. Shhh...I'm supposed to have crappy DirecPath cable which is sloooooow. I mean 56k modem slow. Also, I'm finally buying furniture while I'm back and having it shipped to the ranch - a couch, couple of chairs, couple of shelves maybe. After I get that paid off, then it's TV time :) I'm hoping to have the "man cave" completed before I post some pictures of it. Well that's my life for now without going into detail.
More pics (that's not of Barb+Mike) soon.