I snuck and took this inside the Louis Vuitton art gallery...the secret is to take the pic, plead ignorance, and apologize.

There were a lot of dog walkers near The Peak.

One of my several self portraits - the secret is a wide angle lens.

The chaos that is HK at night.
Words to describe the city are raw and untamed (I read this somewhere else and it was the perfect description). It's just a mass of humanity, for better or worse. It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. Compared to Singapore, it's the stark opposite. Singapore, while urban, is clean and orderly. I wouldn't go as far as to call it sterile, but it is very organized and packaged. I'll post more random pictures soon. Both places share one thing in common though, which is that if you're a photo-lover or photographer, these places are dreams. Night photography, landscape, urban, people, colors...both places have it all. I have fulfilled one of my goals to print one of my pictures, blow it up, frame it, and put it on my wall :) Also, I'll be moving very soon to my new "crib." It's a brand new, modern apartment that is in a great location and has a very urban-modern style, which I love. Very loft-like.
Also, new wedding booked. Engagement pics next week. Also Vegas pics. Much more soon.