Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Laguna Beach & Adobe Lightroom

As mentioned, I'm staying in Laguna Beach this week, a very popular spot for photographers. I spotted this photographers class/workshop shooting a model today. The guy who owned this Ferrari allowed them to shoot their model with it.
Also, I got a chance to play around with Adobe Lightroom and it's fantastic. It speeds up post processing by a ton. You basically work on one photo then copy and paste to the rest of the photos, it literally takes seconds. It's even faster than running actions. I love a side-by-side with the original while you're working - very sweet. Apparently, it's pretty great for a RAW workflow, but since I shoot jpegs I don't know. I'll be getting a new computer soon to put it to the test. These photos weren't done entirely on it though, I also used MS Digital Image Pro for the border. Overall pretty nice so far.

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