My friend Neha was pregnant! She's due in 6 weeks.
AC, me, and Jenny (AC's official girlfriend)
Me hanging out with the Pinoys Phil and Jeff.
Me, Mochi, 3 months without a haircut, and a week without shaving.
Anisa visiting the stockyards - that's a real longhorn.
Anisa visiting the stockyards - that's a real longhorn.
I've been gone for a while and judging from the number of posts I posted in 2007 versus 2008, I'm down around 50% - which is not good. Anyway, last night I attended Elisa's wedding (Yes, I'm back in California) and it was very strange seeing all the people I've lost touch with in college. Everyone was looking great - but it reinforced a couple of things: I am getting old and I have a fat face and double chin. As the cliche goes, it's back to the gym for this year's resolution. Also, these were taken with my good ol broken screen Canon SD500. People don't realize how important the LCD screen is - one time I went a whole day taking pictures to only realize afterward that I didn't put a memory card in there :(. Plus it's a guessing game on how much battery you have left and frankly, it's quite embarassing handing it off to people to take pictures because they can only aim it in the general direction. So definitately a new camera in 2009 - I'm looking at the black SD990 but I need to save up first.
A little look back on 2008
The Good: I had an excellent year rebounding from 2007, which was the worst year ever. Finally graduating, getting a job and moving to Texas, getting the D3 and shooting a wedding, gaining new friends, my friends are all doing well, no one that I know is sick, getting a great deal on a washer/dryer....probably more.
The Bad: Moving to Texas and missing home and all my people, fewer blog posts...hmmm nothing major, so yea...2008 ftw!
The Ugly: Stepping on my glasses and continuing to wear them with tape nerd style for a couple of months. (See pic above)
I'm heading over to Sienna's house later today so definitely more pictures soon.
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