Thursday, October 04, 2007

More pics from Lilia

Now that Lilia has seen all her pics I thought I'd share a few more. These were taken a couple weeks ago in San Diego (scroll down for earlier pics). This weekend I'll be heading back to SD but this time for her aspiring model sister and hopefully this time my pal Jeff will be able to make it for some pointers. Afterwards, I'm hanging out with Bryana that evening in happenin Downtown. Stay tuned...

Speaking of pointers, from my experience it's not good to carry a ton of camera equipment around. Carrying around 20 lbs of gear just gets in the way and gets your tired quickly. Just pick a couple of lenses for the occasion and go with it. What I did was after Lilia's shoot last time I broke down and bought a man purse or "murse" that I carry around to put a lens and an extra battery, memory cards etc. when I shoot. It has come in super handy and allows me to quickly change lenses without putting them on the ground or handing it someone to hold it which slows down the flow of things. Anyway, it's so great that I might just end up carrying it around even when I'm not shooting....maybe.

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