Thursday, October 11, 2007

Picture of Me Taking a Picture

Jeff took this pic as the sun was setting - I brightened it a bit.


Anonymous said...

Johnny, I can't thank you enuf for letting me shoot along side with you!!!

Thanks also for the encouragement on some of your favorites I shot. I gotta say that I love seeing the raw photos from Saturday and then seeing them "Johnny-a-tized". I can definitely see where the photographer style comes into play. Although very new at the D-SLR world, I can feel my unique style barely coming to my mind. I think on the next shoot we're both on, our styles will be unique and compliment eachother very nicely.

I'm actually excited to get onto the D-SLR hobby. Just need to sell more ebay stuff. Stay tuned...

Johnny said...

Let me know once you buy your camera, we'll definitely do some shooting.