Thursday, December 13, 2007

Carien, Holland and Facebook

Carien is from Holland and here for school this quarter. We went out last week and took a few pictures. Notice the awesome lighting on her hair? Forget reflectors and fancy photography equipment, all you need is nature and a good angle. She doesn't normally like pictures of herself but I knew she liked this one (I do too). You wanna know how? It ended up on Facebook almost immediately!

Instead of fighting Facebook and preventing my pictures from being on there, I've decided to embrace it. I've started a new group called "Awesome profile picture" where I invite people who use a photo I took of them as their profile pic. So far there are 5 members including me. Check it out HERE and feel free to friend me up!

Also, I just noticed this is my 100th post of 2007! Thank you everyone for supporting this blog. Lurkers, how bout leaving a comment to celebrate!

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